约翰·波斯维特(John Postovit)


From over 16 years of teaching experience, he has philosophy that it takes humor, patience and understanding when teaching tough subjects.


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约翰·波斯维特(John Postovit)
约翰·波斯维特(John Postovit)


From over 16 years of teaching experience, he has philosophy that it takes humor, patience and understanding when teaching tough subjects.








Remember last episode, what we did was we found the places where the slope was 0, in other words where the tangent line was horizontal. That gives you relative maximums and minimums. Take the derivative. The derivative of this is 3 times 1/3. One power less than 3 + 2x - 3 and then said it equals 0. 0 equals x² + 2x - 3. That's a really one to factor and solve, I'm just going to cut to what the solutions are. The x values are at -3 and +1. The next thing we have to do is to test all of these locations so I have to put -4 into the original function, -3, +1 and +4 into it, to prove which ones are the minimums and maximums.


如果我将-4放入原始功能中,则F(-4)是5/3。现在,我们将-3放入功能中。f(-3)代替那里,将被证明为4。我将在图表上写下其他两个。如果将1个放在公式中,则将获得-6 2/3的结果。如果将+4放入其中,您将获得20 1/3的结果。

因此,让我们现在分析所有这些。看起来它最小的是-6 2/3。这是间隔的绝对最小值。20 1/3,有史以来最高,这是绝对最大的。这是相对的最低限度,它不是有史以来最低的,但它是该部分中最低的。相对最大值,看起来像4。




Well, how do you find out if the slope is positive or negative? Use your slope formula. I'm going to substitute these in. Now, again, on the AP test you are going to be required to show some proof if it's in the free response. But the proof doesn't have to be anything more than a little chart showing what you got for the result. So I'll make this into a little chart with x values and f'(x). So if you put -3.5 into the slope formula, the result you get is +2.25. The exact number necessarily doesn't matter. All you care about is if it's positive or negative.



Last section, if you substitute 2 in, the result of substituting 2 into the slope formula is 5. You don't care what the number is, you just care it's a positive. It is a positive and since it's a positive, the slope is going up, it's an increasing interval. Increasing interval starts at 1, goes up to 4. Doesn't include 1, but since it's closed, it does include 4.

Inflection points and concavity. This is a little bit harder than what you just did. It's really pretty obvious to see when you have an increasing or a decreasing slope. Inflection points are tougher to see. They are the places where the slope stops increasing or decreasing and reverses. For example, you're going along on a curve, it's getting steeper and steeper. The inflection point is where it's still getting steeper but not as rapidly. That's kind of tough to see. Back to the same problem.

当变化速率达到0时,拐点就会发生。嗯,这是第二个导数。因此,我们将使用第一个衍生物回到此原始功能。第二个导数仅为2x +2。如果将其设置为等于0,那么您将在这里找到拐点。我将在图表上向您展示他们。拐点可能是关键点也可能不是关键点。关键点记住,斜坡实际上等于0的地方。这是一个关键点。坡度为0,但不是您称其为拐点的地方。


您知道,当斜率的斜率(换句话说)等于0时,发生拐点就会发生0。因此,0等于2x + 2,这很容易,1x等于-1。那是我们唯一的拐点。因此,我们知道拐点发生在x等于-1处。而y的坐标,我只是在这里猜测。看起来大约是-1。某物。

有时您会被要求给出全部点,有时只是x坐标。我现在就为此留下问号。凹。凹面是指它是否以负面的凹面或向上吹来,积极的凹陷向下进行。可以使用第二个衍生物测试凹度。如果将一个数字替换为第二个导数会给您带来负面结果,那么您将获得负面的凹度。这看起来像是一个负面凹的部分,这看起来像是一个积极的凹陷。但是我们将进行几个测试编号以找出答案。我在看这个,好-3。这是一个不错的整洁点,是-1和-4之间的间隔。 Test it out.

Again, you have to show proof on these things. So I'm going to make a chart like I did in the last episode. One of the intervals has -3 as a test number. I could have picked -2 or -3.5 or something like that. In this next interval, 0 is nice and neat. We'll use that as a test number. This chart should say that you have the double derivative. And if you substitute these in, y''(-3) turns out to be -4. You don't care about the actual number again, you just care about positive or negative. That is less than 0, and that tells us that at that spot it's concave down. It's going to be concave down all the way between the end point and the inflection point. Concave down between -4, includes the -4 and -1.



因此,g'将是3xâ² -12x + 12,然后在0中代替G'。如果您这样做,那么您将要发现的是,这里的位置是斜坡为0的地方。这是一个关键点。但是看看图。这不是最低限度。这不是最大的。事实证明,如果您执行下一个导数,即双衍生物,那也是双衍生物为0的地方。因此,这既是关键点又是一个拐点。如果这是一个关键点和一个拐点,那么您不能说它是最低或最大值。我们将继续进行第一个和第二个衍生测试,以证明某物不是最低或最大值。

The first derivative test has a way of proving absolutely that you have a minimum or a maximum. On the free response section, it's not going to be enough to say, this is a minimum, this is a maximum. You have to prove it. But it won't take long. Looking at this little guy again, we have to prove that this is a relative minimum. You have to prove that that spot is a relative maximum.

Remember in the first part of this episode, what we did was we found out that these were the spots where the slope equalled 0. Slope equals 0 when x equals -3 and the slope equals 0 when x equals +1. Well, what we have to do with the first derivative test to prove that it's a minimum or a maximum, is to find the slopes on either side. What I'm going to do is pick some numbers within the intervals, then I'm going to find the slopes and then I'll interpret it. We'll just try it again just like the last ones.






And we're going to put them in the second derivative. Substituting into the second derivative, y"(-3) is going to be -4. That -4 is a negative result, it's less than 0. That proves that you're concave down and since you're concave down, that spot has to be a maximum. Substituting the 1. If you substitute 1 in there into the second derivative you'll get +4 for the result. +4 is greater than 0, that tells you it's concave upwards at that spot. If it's concave upwards at a critical point then you know it has to be a relative minimum. Relative minimum of 1.




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