凯蒂·阿基诺(Katie Aquino)






凯蒂·阿基诺(Katie Aquino)
凯蒂·阿基诺(Katie Aquino)




第一步降低预先写作是攻击提示。因此,如果您还记得第一集,我们谈到了与高中生直接相关的提示,它需要采取特定的职位,提供两种不同的观点,然后提出选项以开发自己的观点。因此,像我们在情节中谈到的有关标题的最佳攻击提示的方法是真正标记它,寻找那里的那些重要素质。因此,如果我们查看您可以在奖金材料中找到的样本提示的第四个,那么让我们尝试一下,并尝试标记这些重要的东西;该问题的两个方面,实际问题。因此,在过去的十年中,美国教育系统面临的最大问题之一是停滞的高中毕业率。因此,我们需要在这里标记的是,停滞的高中毕业率,因为那是目前的问题,他们希望我们能够以某种理解和一定的复杂性来谈论它。截至2006年,大约有71%的美国学生正在高中毕业;因此,我将在这里标记71%,因为这是我可能会返回的一个不错的统计数据。为了促进这一统计数据,许多高中都考虑实施计划来帮助学生通过毕业。 Some districts; and here we have a transition word, some that's going to clue us in that we're going to get our first view point. Some districts believe that offering students a wide variety of classes from which to choose will increase their engagement in school and keep them there for all for years. So that's point number one; I'm just going to put a one over here and underline offering students a wide variety of classes because that's the first view point that they're talking to me about. Other districts believe that the solution is to offer free tutoring to students who need help with school work, so we've got another transition word, other which tells me this is my second view point and that is free tutoring students. Alright so there's the important, there's those two sides of the issue and the issue itself; it says they believe that if students are assisted academically they'll experience more success in their classes thus they will be more likely to stay in school. In your opinion which of these options would be more likely to increase the graduation rate in American high schools? So I'm going to again here circle increase the graduation, alright so which would increase so that's really what I'm looking to prove and then finally that last part, the prompt that you're going to see in any prompt is; In your essay, take a position on this question. You may write about either of the two points of view given, or present a different view point on this question. Alright so now you've got a really marked up prompt, you've attacked it, let's move on to step two.
第二步是集思广益,因此您已经查看了提示,您知道正确的问题,您要做的就是开始填写重要信息一个非常视觉的人,我喜欢图表,因此,如果您使用奖金材料,则可以用图表表格打印出来并填写。尽管您不能将实际表格采用到该法案中,但您可以将其内部化,然后在开始写作之前在废纸上复制它。好的,所以您要提到的第一件事是弄清楚这个话题,我们强调说,当我们攻击提示时,这是美国的毕业率低,所以我们的毕业率很低,那么您必须快速确定什么是您现在的位置?请记住,不要在这里跨越篱笆,所以要提出一个坚实的摊位,这一点很重要,这是各种各样的班级会提高毕业率,因此此人决定坚持使用两个选择之一。在获得这两件事之后,您将提出示例或对开发的支持。因此,示例第一是我在选择课程和示例类型中更成功,因为我们知道,对于支持我们想要多样化,这是一个支持它的个人示例。示例第二;CPS建立了免费的辅导,但没有帮助,当前有一项活动,CPS代表芝加哥公立学校,因此这是当地的活动。 Finally the next example I might want to use is basic psychology 101 choice equals engagement and that's kind of a text book research type of example so we've got variety and we've got focus. Now what we want to make sure we do is move on and develop our counter argument.

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