Devorah Goldblatt

Case Western Univ,Summa Cum Laude

Devorah是Advantage Point测试准备的创始人,也是“提高您的分数”一书的作者,《真实行为的非正式指南》。




Devorah Goldblatt
Devorah Goldblatt

Case Western Univ,Summa Cum Laude

Devorah是Advantage Point测试准备的创始人,也是“提高您的分数”一书的作者,《真实行为的非正式指南》。


We're taping this course in San Francisco and the streets are really confusing; lots of dead ends, lots of construction, lots of hills and it's been taking me a really long time to get to the studio but here's something cool about San Francisco the people are also really friendly. So actually yesterday I met this guy really nice, on the street who showed a shortcut to get to the studio and now I don't have to worry about all that time and all the anxiety that I had before. So how does this rate to the math. Well on the math hopefully you'll watch the episodes, you'll feel really good about your skills and you can just feel comfortable with the questions and nail them. But what if you're not sure, well in this episode we're going to take a look at some good shortcuts some kind of backdoor strategies for when you're really not sure about what the question is asking or if you just want to answer it more quickly. We're going to talk about first pacing strategies so that you can pace yourself, then problem solving strategies and last guessing strategies.
让我们开始谈论一些数学节奏策略。首先,一些一般策略。首先回答简单的问题。在ACT上,数学问题没有任何困难,它们完全混在一起,因此您在开始时,中间和结尾都会有一些简单的问题最终的问题,因为请记住所有问题的值都相同。因此,我建议您首先在数学部分中进行两次扫描,然后回答所有简单的问题,即您感觉很好的问题,然后将这些问题更加困难,甚至是您知道的那些问题。这样做,但它只会花费更长的时间,然后再走最后一次,然后进行第二次扫描,看看您是否可以解决这些问题。接下来,使用您的目标分数来确定节奏实际上是关于ACT数学的一件非常非常酷的事情,曲线很棒,您可以在测试中遇到第三个错误,并且仍然获得非常好的分数,我们说我可以得到D D加上数学。因此,例如,如果我犯了第三个错误,那是20个错误。 I would still end up with a 25 on the math which is about an eightieth percentile score, pretty cool. So you can 20 out of 60 wrong that's awesome. So if you're aiming for a score like that you might want to slow yourself a little bit and feel really confident. You can spend enough time on the ones that you know you can nail, as long as you spend enough time making sure they're right and then don't feel so bad just guessing on the ones that you don't feel so great about and hopefully you still do really, really well.
好的,接下来,让我们谈谈另一个出色的解决问题策略,选择自己的数字。因此,当您在问题中或答案选择中有变量或类似不同的时间时,您可以选择自己的数字并将其插入问题,如果您给出了涉及Percents且没有起始价值的问题。因此,让我向您展示一些示例,以便您在实践中看到此示例。我们走了,我们有一个看起来像这样的问题:以下哪个方程式以x表示z,对于所有实数x,y,因此x cubed为y和y平方是z。学生经常看到这一点,他们认为哦,我的天哪,我需要解决这个问题的复杂代数。因此,如果是这样,为什么不选择数字,您可以选择想要的任何数字,只要它们满足问题的要求。因此,在这样的案例中,我试图避免选择零或一个',因为它们有点友好,有点太友好了,有时他们会做一些时髦的事情。我实际上是从两个开始的,所以两个是一个很好的数字,所以让我们x 2我们要弄清楚其余数字应该是什么,然后我们将与我们的数字匹配答案选择,看看答案选择匹配是什么我们的答案。

让我表明我的意思,所以让我们让x为2,所以如果x是2,我将写下x等于2。那是什么?x cubed等于y,所以2个立方体等于y,所以y是8,我要弄脏这个问题,因为当您选择您选择的变量等于等于的变量时,实际上是跟踪跟踪。因此,您已经到了x是2,现在我们选择的数字是8,Z呢?好吧,平方等于z,好吧,所以我们在这里有z平方,所以8平方等于64。搜索答案选择我们想知道以下哪个方程式以x表示z。因此,这些工作中的哪一个,因为我们选择了满足要求的数字,我们的数字将帮助我们解决这一问题,所以我们只需要做的就是将数字插入答案选择中。因此,在这里z,我们说Z是64,是64,与第六到第六的相同的东西我不知道让我们的计算器只是为了检查。好吧,如果我们做2到六个,那等于64。所以我们走了,如果您有z是64,那就在这里写下64个实际上等于我们选择的x,这是2至2第六强力。因此,在这种情况下,A将是正确的答案。 Now if A wasn't the correct answer have no fear, you just keep shopping through the answer choices plugging in your numbers to see what works and always they'll be one answer choice that fits, that exactly fits the problem and your numbers.

好的,让我们看一下插入数字的一种更复杂的方法。因此,这表现出了很多东西,他们喜欢剩余的东西,所以请尝试慢跑您的记忆,并想到我以前在哪里看过它,可能是在代理之前或什至早些时候在小学的早期,您会记得剩余的。因此,当数字k除以4时,有剩余的3。您还记得这意味着它会在一两次或其他情况下进行,其中有3个剩菜。当2K除以10时的剩余时间是什么,这只是一种可怕的外观,但让我们选择一个数字。但是在这里请记住数字需要满足问题的要求。我们需要一个数字,如果您将其划分,将k除以我们的数字4,有4个剩菜。在这里选择什么是一个好的数字?可能是最简单的7、7是4加3,所以我们知道如果您有4分进入7,它将一次进入并完美地离开3。假设K等于七个,现在我们可以完成解决问题。当2K除以10时剩下的是什么? Okay so if you had 2 times 7 or 14 divided by 10 what would you get. So 14 over 10 okay so now we have 10 going into 14 and the question is what's the remainder when you have 10 going into 14 it's goes in once right okay and what's left over well 4 right, 10 is going to go in once leaving 4 over. So our answer choice is going C great. So that's an example but slightly more complicated problem but you see how as long as you know what to do you can pick numbers you can get it right away.

让我们进入下一个真正非常有帮助的解决问题的解决策略。您什么时候要倒退?当您在答案选择中看到数字问题时,您将向后工作,ACT人们实际上希望您做很多代数,并且很多次不必要,您可以插入答案选择看看什么有效。让我向您展示一个例子:一片比萨饼和苏打水的成本为2.50美分,成本为3片和2个苏打水,$ 6.75。比萨饼的成本是多少。现在,人们实际上希望您以代数进行此操作,他们希望您制作两个不同的公式,两个不同的方程式,一个说可以,您知道您知道一片比萨饼和一个苏打水,另一个苏打水,另一个与3片和2片有关。您知道这是很多代数,这需要大量时间,也有很多错误的潜力。问题。

相反,让我们看看当您向后工作时,当我们向后工作时会发生什么,您可以回答选择,这就是您要做的。您要看他们,并说好吧,我将从答案中选择该问题,然后看看这个答案选择工作。因此,我们将向后工作,现在当您要从C开始,让我告诉您为什么。在此问题类型上,实际上在大多数ACT数学问题上,您会看到答案选择开始很小并变得大。好吧,他们会变得更大。是的,我们只是尝试C,我们说好的1.60美元是披萨成本片的答案,我们会看到它向后工作,您知道,您知道哦,我的天哪,您知道它太小了。我们需要披萨片来花费更多,这个数字不起作用,对我们来说太小了。好吧,我们已经知道它是否太小,它不可能是较小的A或B。因此,只需尝试一个答案选择,您就可以跨过A,B和C。较大的数字。 In that case let's say D doesn't even work and that's too small, you don't even have to try E, you know it's the correct answer. Pretty cool. So when you work backwards you'll always only have to try two answer choices to get the answer that you need.
Alright suppose try solving this problem by heading towards the answer choices. And we're going to start with C the middle choice, $1.60, and we're saying okay we're answering the question what's the cost of a pizza, one slice, a slice of pizza $1.60, great. So let's write this down. So one, I'm going to try put P for pizza and one slice of pizza is $1.60. Okay well, does this work in the problem? Let's look. The cost of a slice of pizza and a soda is 2.50 in that case what's a soda? Well if they add up to be 1.50 then you're going to have one soda equals, you know what let me just make these look more like ones here so you don't think that it's an I. So here we go and one pizza and we've got one soda. Okay so if one pizza is 1.60, one soda is 2.50 minus 1.60, okay let me just double check what that is on the calculator. I hope that you're doing this along with me. 2.50 minus 1.60, 90 cents. Okay so we're going to say the soda is 90 cents. Now the question is does this work in the problem? If you have three slices of pizza each costing $1.60 and two sodas each costing 90 cents, does that give you 6.75 when you combine them? Let's take a look. So we have three slices of pizza, so 3 times 1.60, right that would be your three slices plus two times the 90 cents sodas. What does that equal? We want it to be 6.75. So we've got 3 times 1.60, that's 4.80, okay. 4.80 plus 2 times .90 is about $1.80 so that equals $6.60. Right 6.60, what does this tell us? We know that C is not correct because we need it to equal 6.75.But we know a bunch of other things too. We know we need the pizza to cost more, we need to end up with a larger total.
现在,让我们去做答案选择。因此,我们知道6.60太小了,这也告诉我们有关A和B的很多信息。他们肯定会太小吗?1.25的小小太小,1.50的小小太小,我们知道我们只是尝试了$ 1.60也无法正常工作。因此,我们接下来要做的事情通常是选择D,那么如果那不起作用,我们将知道它必须是E。一个完全荒谬的答案,当您从战略上猜测时,您应该越过。e这里简直太荒谬了,我们的披萨不可能花180美元。因此,实际上,在这种情况下,我们知道我们的答案选择必须是D。但是,如果您想仔细检查,您可以像我们在这里一样将其放回问题中。而且,您会发现,如果您的披萨的总额为1.75美元,那是三个比萨饼,而您的苏打水为6.75。
继续采取一些对该行为的猜测策略。如果您真的非常困扰,这将为您提供帮助,并且您只是在想我如何在这里做一个受过教育和战略的猜测。让我们看一些非常好的策略。首先,避免不适。奇数的答案选择在90%的时间内是不正确的。我的意思是奇怪的?奇数是看起来与其他四个完全不同的答案选择。您知道我的女儿看着芝麻街,这是您知道的那首歌,其中一件事情不像另一个,这就是您想要的。在这里,此答案选择中只有一个有一个派,所以我们已经知道即使我们没有真正看这个问题,这也不是正确的答案,我可以将其划掉。当您看到一切都是整数时,同样的事情,只有一个答案选择只是一个部分。 Well everything is positive and only one of them is negative or everything's real, one of them is imaginary, any time you've got this misfit, cross it don't pick it.
接下来,所有图表都被绘制为缩放,因此请注意。关于数学的说明,他们告诉您这些图并未绘制成比例,实际上它们是。好吧,非常偷偷摸摸,所以如果你曾经卡住,你在想:“哦,天哪,我只是不知道在这里做什么”,只是估计距离应该基于他们给你的信息应该是什么。让我们看一个示例。我们有;在下图中,实际上是上面的。ABCD是一个正方形,EFG和H是其侧面的中点。如果AB 12英寸,EFGH的外围是几英寸的?
Okay So we want the perimeter of this and perimeter which we will review when we talk about the geometry, everything added up. So let's see we don't have any information yet about this though any lengths of these sides. All we know is that AB here is equal to 12, perfect. Okay plus all we know, I'm not saying we're in a rush or we don't know how to solve it. Okay well if this is about 12, what's the thing about it, about how long do we think one of these sides looks like. Okay so probably we know this is the midpoint here, so you'll think this is 6 right or even just by eyeballing looks like it's cutting it up this is 6 right over here. You know you would estimate, so what about this it looks like it's slightly longer than these right? So not 6 maybe 7 maybe 8. So let's approximate, let's say okay this looks like it's about 8 right here. Okay and that's all we will do. So okay so this is 8 right over here. So in that case, great we want the perimeter. Perimeter everything added up 8 plus 8 plus 8 plus 8 or 8 times 4 so it's 32. So we're going to say the perimeter equals 32.
猜测策略编号3.切勿选择重复问题中数字的答案。而且,我想补充一点,也永远不会选择一个数字,这只是问题中数字非常快速的绝望组合。让我向您展示我的意思,我们在这里做了这一点,我们以代数正确地做到了。但是,如果您在这里有10个和20个,您已经知道选择答案时已经知道,它不会是20%,因为它已经在问题中了。他们还认为你是拼命的,他们认为你会匆忙匆忙,你会认为10和20,然后这使得30必须是正确的。因此,您可以打赌,因为它是问题中数字的简单组合,所以20井30是不正确的,而20则是不正确的。在这一点上,即使您不想以代数为代数,您也可以在战略上猜测您确实可以做得很好,因为我们知道某事是否增加了10%,然后再增加20%,它可能不仅增加了12个或增加了12%15%吗?因此,我们也可以解决这些问题,如果您只是通过战略猜测来做到这一点,那么您也会得到正确的答案,即E 32%。

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