Devorah Goldblatt

Case Western Univ,Summa Cum Laude

Devorah是Advantage Point测试准备的创始人,也是“提高您的分数”一书的作者,《真实行为的非正式指南》。




Devorah Goldblatt
Devorah Goldblatt

Case Western Univ,Summa Cum Laude

Devorah是Advantage Point测试准备的创始人,也是“提高您的分数”一书的作者,《真实行为的非正式指南》。


在我最喜欢的线条和角度的主题之一上;当两条平行线被横向切割时,会发生一些真正整洁的事情。您可能在想横向,哦,天哪,她在说什么?所有的横向都是,只是一条线条穿过两条平行线,让我画一张图片,现在你要说的是:“哦,你知道我在以前看过什么的devorah”,你还记得吗?您知道,通常会看到哦,这是一行,哦,这是第二行,它们是平行的,并且有一条线可以通过它们。当您看到这样的东西时,您可以推断出一些非常酷的东西。只要您进行一个角度测量,就可以找到所有角度。因此,例如,我告诉您,这里的角度是60度,很好,让我们找到所有其他角度。好吧,我们知道,因为这是60,这必须是120,因为它们像我们谈论的那样沿线。太好了,现在我们知道这也必须是60个,因为它是垂直的,并且必须为120,因为它是垂直的,而且因为它们与其他角度沿线。 Okay so this 60 here, this is 120 here. Okay but what about this bottom part? How can you figure out what those are? This is where another rule comes in, when you have two parallel lines cut by a transversal, alternate, interior angles are congruent. Those are the angles that I say you know, are kind of inside the Z that you see right here so this 60 degree angle right here is going to be equivalent to this angle right here, you see these opposite internal angles to these two parallel lines and the same thing here because this angle here is 120, this angle here opposite interior is going to be 120, so this is 120 and then this one here is going to be 60. Okay so hopefully you can see that we've got 120 and 60 here and 60 and 120 here and then once you've got this you know again this is a vertical so this is also 120 and this is a vertical so it's also 60 and there we go. So just from knowing one angle when you have two parallel lines cut by a transversal, you can find all the angles.
让我们继续前进我们的下一个大话题,三角形。通常,您会在ACT上看到三个或四个三角问题,因此您想对三角形感到非常舒适。让我们看看他们要问的第一件事;三角形区域,您需要知道此公式。请记住,他们没有给您任何公式,您真的需要了解它们。三角形的面积为基本时间高度除以两个。让我给您一些有关如何找到区域的例子。最简单的是正确的三角形,假设我要在这里绘制一个正确的三角形,我们将[我们以我的小角度放置,假设我告诉你,好吧,你知道这是四个,这是五个,这是五个,可以轻松找到该区域。我们拥有我们的基地,我们拥有我们的身高,如果您不确定基地是什么,高度是什么,基地在底部,规则是高度,您必须击中基础为90度,这就是高度的定义; it's hitting the base at 90. Here we go so that's easy, you got your height and then your base and you know the area will be 4 times 5 which is 20 over 2 which is 10; so area would be 20, 4 times 5 over 2 which would be 10. Pretty straight forward but, what happens when you don't see a height that stands out to you, that's hitting at a 90 degrees. What if you see a triangle instead that looks something like this and you look at it and you're thinking what's the height, what's dropping down? Hopefully you'll remember this from school, this is when you will drop an altitude, right so you will see this kind of dotted like almost fake line that you're drawing just to find the area dropping down from the bottom and now this is your base, this whole bottom and this is your height and on the ACT, they'll always be a way for you to figure out what that length is going to be so that you can find the area. So again these are the two major different permutations of how you're going to look for area. Always look for your base and your height, if it's not apparent because it's not a right triangle, make sure you're looking for a place you can drop an altitude and then you'll have your height and your base and once again it's going to be just whatever the base is times the height divided by two.
让我们继续前进,更多关于三角形的,我们知道周长的周长是所有的一切加起来,所有侧面都将添加到三角形的周长。三角形的所有三个角度加起来一直高达180度,这是偶尔用三角形测试的另一件事。因此,您的所有三个角度总计为180。类似的三角形具有相等的角度和比例的方面,我想说它们有点像邪恶的医生,并迷你我。其中一个三角形将是第二个版本的微型版本,所以让我向您展示我的意思。您会看到这样的东西,您将有一个大三角和一个小三角形,然后您会知道角度是一致的,也许它们只是像这样的行[与这个角度相同,并且该角度与这个角度相同,这意味着第三角度也必须是一致的。在这样的情况下,如果角度相同,则必须成比例。因此,假设您知道,这是两个的一侧,而这一侧有四个。部分。 I know that all these sides are going to be double, all the sides of this triangle so for example this one's you know two, three, four, this would be something like four, six and eight. So you see the sides are proportional and again we talked about proportions in the pre-algebra episode, there will be times in the ACT where you're going to actually have to find one of the missing sides using proportions and for more practice just head to your bonus materials, I've got some [IB] to practice this.
让我们继续前进,这是您在该行为中看到的最常见的三角形。因此,对于正确的三角形,您需要知道一些事情。第一个角度等于正确三角形的90度,其次,您要知道毕达哥拉斯定理。平方和b平方等于c平方,如果您还不知道它,就需要知道这一点,因此请记住它。让我向您展示一个使用毕达哥拉斯定理的快速示例;如果我在这里有一个正确的三角形,例如我知道这一侧是三个,这是四个,我正在寻找斜边,这一侧是我的直角对面,我们不知道它是什么。好的,我们知道3平方和4平方将为我们提供X平方,因此我们有3个平方和四个平方等于x平方。好的,所以我们知道九加16是x平方。因此,25等于x平方,因此您将占据两侧的平方根以在此处删除指数,而x是25的平方根,等于5。因此,我们走了,我们的第三侧在我们的右三角上是五个。 That's an example of using the Pythagorean Theorem. And we'll have another example later to practice again.
其他一些具有正确三角形的东西,45-45-90和30-60-90三角形是最常见的右三角形。这意味着您会看到三角形的角度为45度,45度和90或30、60和90。当您看到这样的三角形时,它们总是具有非常特定的比例一侧。因此,让我们从45-45-90开始,我将向您展示我的意思。因此,如果我在这里有45-45-90的三角形,好吧,我们知道45-45-90,有些细节总是相同的。始终将以以下比率保持一侧:您将拥有两个X-X-X平方根,而您在想,她在说什么?我会给你看。这意味着45度角对面的一侧,我们将这些X称为短两侧。因此,我们将把这些称为X。在90度角对面的侧面,您的斜边将是最短一侧的两倍。好吧,在这里,我们有两个短两侧的两侧,两侧总是两次。因此,这就是您的比例,即45-45-90,如果要打电话给45 x的一侧,则有X; you've got X-X-X radical two.
让我们看看30-60-90。因此,在这种情况下,我将在这里绘制另一个三角形,该比例有些不同。这是您的30岁,这是您的60。好吧,您的比例如下。如果我们称最短的侧面X,那么最短的侧面总是将与最小的角度相反。因此,如果我们的短侧x在30中。因此,您将使60度角的侧面始终是三倍的x,因此x激进分子三分,而斜边始终是最短的两倍。因此,仅作为比例,我将放两个X,因此,如果X是您最短的一侧,那么您的中间是三倍,而您的斜边是两倍。因此,让我们看看它的真实数字的外观。例如,如果我告诉你,那较短的一面,你有大约四个。您会知道的,然后对面我的60度角;我有四个激进分子,对吗? My short side times radical three. And I would know right away that my hypotenuse was twice that short side, which is eight. Now on the ACT sometimes when they get a little more complicated, they won't give you the shortest side, so you'll have to work backward. For example, maybe they'll give you eight and then you have to remember huh! Think proportions, oh! The hypotenuse is always twice the short side so if hypotenuse is eight and I work backwards, the short side must be four and then once I know the short side is four, oh that middle side, radical three times the short side so four radical three.
好的,让我们看一个示例问题,我们将其中一些概念发挥作用。我们走了,我们在这里有图表,它说的数字不是按照我们在策略中谈论的行为所知的方式来缩放的,通常是在上面的图中,卑诗省是激进的,什么是什么广告长度?这是一个困难的问题。您没有很多信息,在这个三角形中,您的侧面长度在这里,他们要求在此三角形中的侧面长度。但是我们看到我们可以使用什么?我们只是谈论了正确的三角形,我们只是谈论了真正常见的三角形,即45-45-90和30-60-90。我们走了,我们有45-45-90,对吗?我们知道这方面必须是45,因为我们说的角度加起来达到180度,您的角度达到了90度,您有45度,然后必须是45度,然后好。那么,现在我们该如何处理这些信息? We've talked about the side ratios right? We know that if you have the two sides opposite the 45 degree angles, if we call those X or whatever we call them, you're going to have the hypotenuse be radical two times those lengths, either one of them. So radical two times either one of the lengths. So here even without doing the Pythagorean Theorem, which we could do. We could do you know, radical two squared plus radical two squared because these are equivalent, equals our hypotenuse squared but a lot faster to just think, I know hypotenuse radical two times my shortest length because it's a 45-45-90 so radical two times radical two which would just be two. So here we go, I can draw on this two and now we have a piece of information that will help us with this triangle which looks suspiciously like a 30-60-90 triangle. And keep a lookout because again this will show up with the most frequency. So seems a little disguised but now we look closely, we're missing the 30 we drew in, it's a 30-60-90 and again side proportions that can help us. What did we talk about? We talked about how in a 30-60-90 the hypotenuse, the side opposite the 90 degrees is always twice your short length, twice the shortest length. The shortest length again opposite the smallest angle, that makes sense so here because we know that side, that side is two, then we know that the hypotenuse is twice that which would be four so here we go. We've got AD, we've got our hypotenuse and that's the answer. So the answer choice here would be D.
让我们继续谈论圆圈。因此,您在基本的几何形状中学到了这一点,但只是为了审查。这是一个圆圈,您可以为您的区域和周长提供方程式。区域方程是pi r平方,圆周的方程式是两个pi r。现在,如果您在想,又是什么?r是半径;请记住,半径是从圆圈中间到外部的线。因此,例如,这将是您的半径。直径是整个圆的半径或长度的两倍。只是快速提醒。有时候,学生问我区域和周长之间有什么区别,然后我告诉区域,想地毯,您正在覆盖一个表面积。 That would be the whole inside, on the other hand, circumference that's like perimeter, that's like a fence and that would be measuring just the outside line, how long that is.
让我们看一个问题,回到我的飞镖板。您记得我想知道我的下一轮获得六个或更多分的几率。让我们仔细看看。要获得六个或以上的积分,我必须在此内部圆圈中击中从这里到达的任何地方,如果我击中中间,我们将获得六个,七个,八个或九点的选项,这就是我需要击中的地方。我将如何找出我的赔率?好吧,让我们考虑一下,我可以通过弄清楚那个内心圆圈的区域是我想瞄准的那个圆圈的区域,而整个板的区域是什么,我可以找出我的赔率。因此,让我们弄清楚,我测量了它,发现整个飞镖板的半径为6英寸,目标区域的半径为4英寸。好吧,让我们找到两者的区域。目标区域首先。因此,我们的目标区域的半径是四个,还记得区域pi r平方,好的,所以pi r平方,所以pi times 4 quared squared as s so 16 pi。 16 pi is my area for the little part that I want to hit, what's the area of the whole thing? Well we know the radius is 6 so again pi times 6 squared okay. So the area of the whole thing, 36 pi. Now I've got the areas of both right? Area of the small one 16 pi, large 36 pi so what's the odds? Well the odds are just 16 pi over 36 pi right? And so let's figure that out. What's 16 over 36? I'm going to use my calculator. So 16 divided by 36 is about point four four, so 44 percent. So there's actually a 44 percent chance of me hitting this middle part out of this whole circle on my next throw, pretty cool. Let's take a look at some more geometry.
多个数字问题,这些问题确实很困难,您会看到其中的几个问题,这实际上需要做的就是结合您对几个不同形状的了解。因此,这是您在《数学法》上看到的最困难的问题之一。在上图中,一个正方形刻有一个16pi区域的圆圈。广场的区域是什么?好的,希望您会记得广场的区域,长度宽度吧?一边是一边,所以我们要找到方面,我们有一个暗示,我们将需要圈子来帮助我们。好吧,我们知道这个圆圈的区域为16pi,还记得区域pi r平方,所以什么平方给我们16?4。好的,我们知道半径是4,因此,如果从这里到这里的零件的半径是4,我们还能在这里做什么?我们知道直径是半径的两倍吗? So from here to here across this square and across this circle, that's going to have to be 8 right, it is that whole length. So now we know and we write diameter equals 8. Alright so hopefully you're following me, this again is a really tough problem. We've got the radius is 4 therefore we know the diameter across the circle is 8 and oh, by the way this helps us with our square now, because now we have a line across the middle of our square that's dividing it into two right triangles, two 90 degree triangles and we can use something we learned when we talked about right triangles here so see another piece of information about a shape. Okay well we talked about how you usually have 45-45-90 or 30-60-90 right triangles on this test.
好吧,现在您已经有了四个90度角的正方形,并且将这些角度切成两半,您最终会得到两个45-45-90的三角形吗?好的,所以和我在一起,我们快要完成了。两个45-45-90的三角形在这种情况下我们谈论的是什么?我们讨论了在45-45-90的三角形中,斜边是如何在90度对面的两倍的两次腿上,这将有助于我们。我们知道8,整个对角线的长度是根本的两次,这些侧面是两次,而这些侧面是我们需要找到该区域的东西,好的。因此,让我们做到这一点,所以我们知道8等于激进的2倍,所以让我们简化,然后我们可以弄清楚我们的侧面是什么,我们知道我们是否将激进2移动到上方,8跨越激进2等于一侧现在,我们将乘以两侧以获取我们的区域。顺便说一句,您可能会想到为什么在分母中激进?我们是否需要改变这一点,希望您在学校了解到合理化的分母,在这里我们不在乎它,因为我们将在底部繁殖两个激进分子,因此这将变成现在寻找该区域或两侧的两侧侧侧是8根部2倍8倍的两侧,然后您最终以8倍8倍在两个上为64,因为这些激进分子取消了。 So you've got 64 over 2 and now let's simplify to 32, great and that's answer choice D and again this is really the hardest type of geometry problem you would see so if you got it, feel great, if not go over it again, okay. That's it for top plane geometry concepts you need to know, remember this make up a quarter of the test so you want to feel really, really good about them and so if you want more practice make sure to head to your bonus material.
坐标几何形状,其中有九个在ACT数学上,我们将研究将要测试的前三个概念。线,斜率和查找拦截的第一个方程式。一条线的方程式,希望您还记得学校,Y = MX+B,让我们看看这些零件。所以m是斜坡,我们将在一秒钟内进行更多讨论,而B是y拦截。我们在等式中沿Y轴,X和Y击中通常会保留X和Y,但实际上它们实际上是沿该行的任何点的坐标。让我们看一下斜坡;斜率升起,x的每一个更改的变化都在x中的变化。真正意味着,当您看到一条线时,坡度将是它越过多少。因此,在这里,我们看到我们要上升1,然后超过1个,这样我们的斜率将超过1或1。让我们看一下方程。在ACT上,有时您有两组要点,然后您必须找到这些点的斜率。 This is the equation; Y2 minus Y1 over X2 minus X1, Let's take an example so you see what I mean. Find the slope of a line passing through the points 3,1 and the point 4,2. Okay great, remember our equation, Y2 minus Y1 over X2 minus X1 so our second Y which is 2 minus our first Y which is 1 over our second X which is 4 minus our first X which is 3 so what do you get? You get 1 over 1, just 1. So our slope here again is just 1, answer choice D.
继续前进,让我们谈谈寻找拦截。因此,我喜欢提醒学生X和Y截距之间的区别,因为在测试中都存在一些问题。X截距定义为线撞击X轴的点的X坐标,因此,如果我在此处只有一个小坐标平面,请让我告诉您。您会看到当我们沿X轴击中时,这将在这里,当您沿着X截距的X轴击中时,您的Y实际上将为零。您沿X击中X,X将有一个数字,Y坐标,但是您不会在Y中走任何地方,这将是零。与Y相同的事情,如果您曾经看过Y拦截,那是您沿着这里击中Y的地方,那时X将为零。让我们看看一个例子;y的y截距是什么,y负4x等于负9。因此,有几种不同的方法,您可能会看一看,并认为这条线看起来有点时髦,这个方程式,这只是因为它不是因为它不是在y = mx+b的形式中,您可以做的就是重新排列它,以便它以y = mx+b形式进行重新排列,然后您会记住b是y拦截,然后可以那样找到它。您还可以很好地记住我的Y拦截,我的X等于零,只是将X设置为零,因此您知道,如果您的y减为4倍,那就是y负零,并且等于9。 here we go, our y intercept is just negative 9 and that's it, we've finished our review of top coordinate geometry concepts, remember if you need more help there's a lot in your bonus materials for you to practice with.

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