Devorah Goldblatt

Case Western Univ,Summa Cum Laude

Devorah是Advantage Point测试准备的创始人,也是“提高您的分数”一书的作者,《真实行为的非正式指南》。




Devorah Goldblatt
Devorah Goldblatt

Case Western Univ,Summa Cum Laude

Devorah是Advantage Point测试准备的创始人,也是“提高您的分数”一书的作者,《真实行为的非正式指南》。


您将有关于科学家对科学事物有某种看法的科学家的段落。然后,您将有两个总是不同意的科学家,这就是为什么这一观点相互矛盾的原因。然后您将有七个问题,其中一些人只会询问科学家一个,其中一些人会问科学家两个,其中一些人会一起询问您这两种理论。好吧,让我们看一些如何解决这些问题的策略。好的学生经常看着相互矛盾的观点,他们说:“好吧,科学家,科学家两个,让我读它们俩。”永远不要这样做,让我告诉你为什么,他们的观点矛盾,并且有很多科学措辞。会发生什么,您会读过科学家,然后您会读第二个科学家,而您知道什么?你在想,“哦,天哪,谁说了什么?”您真的很困惑,另一件事是人们认为您实际上将把它们全部阅读的科学家,科学家两者,然后回答问题。发生的事情是,他们把很多科学家的东西都放在了科学家一人和VICE诗歌的诱人答案选择中,因为他们认为,哦,这在您的脑海中,您将不确定,您将不确定,您将成为 really confused about who said what? And you'll pick the wrong answer. So best strategy for conflicting viewpoints, first read theory one just what scientist one has to say don't even look at scientist two. And then head to the questions and you'll scheme really quickly and find which ones of them are only talking about scientist one, you'll answer those questions. And then you're not going to be tripped up about those wrong answers that have to do with scientist two 'cause you won't even know what scientist two has said.
然后,您将阅读第二个理论,并回答那些关于科学家两个的问题。最后,您会跳过来做的事情,剩下的事情将是对这两种理论提出的问题。当您查看段落时,您应该寻找什么?首先要有几件事。现在,您不想真正强迫标记它,但是您想寻找几件事。您将要查看每个段落的第一行,因为您知道吗?通常,这是您观点的段落,特别是当科学家要告诉您他或她的观点时,这是什么意见?这个人是否同意,不同意,促进,灰心?这通常会在第一句话和最后一句话中,实际上您应该将其包装好。因此,当您查看每个段落时,请注意第一句和最后一句话。 Also, cause and effect relationships the ACT loves to ask about these. So, on the passage when you see one thing causing another thing, I would underline it or at least make a mental note. So these are some strategies, let's head to an actual passage and we'll put them into practice.
在这里,我们有一个真正的矛盾观点段落。我们有一个科学家,记得下一个科学家两个来了,但我们甚至不在乎科学家两个。我们将从科学家一开始,然后回答有关科学家的问题。好的,请记住第一行通常非常重要,通常只会告诉您整个段落的内容。我们走了,“基因工程作物有可能通过增加农作物产量并减少对化学农药和除草剂的依赖来帮助保护和保护环境。”好的,这就是科学家要谈论的声音听起来像他正在促进基因工程作物,这是您的第一句话。您可以强调它,也可以记住。好的,让我强调一些关键词,例如“有助于保护和保护环境的潜力”。这似乎是他的主要关注点?原因和作用很好,通过增加农作物产量,嗯,降低了依赖。 So, 'Reducing chemical pesticides and herbicides.' Okay try to preserve the environment how? Reducing the chemicals sounds good. 'Crop losses from insect pests can be staggering resulting in devastating financial loss for farmers.' Another cause and effect you don't need to get too neurotic marking these 'cause you'll draw a lot of them, but keep in mind we kind of know this 'crop losses' that would be devastating. And it's 'Crop losses from insect pests,' okay, 'resulting in devastating financial loss. Farmers typically use many tons of chemical pesticides and herbicides annually. Growing GM foods can help eliminate the application of these chemicals, thus reducing the cost of bringing a crop to market and then environmental impact of these chemicals.' Now we know since he's promoting genetically engineered crops, this might be a cause and effect thing that's going to be important.
他说什么?他说“种植食物”该怎么办?这将有助于消除化学物质,然后降低将农作物推向市场和环境影响的成本。我将其中一些条款强调为他的论点中的重要原因和效果。他说:“嗯,种植通用食品,这是怎么回事?”消除化学物质的应用,因此,这降低了将农作物推向市场和环境影响的成本。好吧,我们在这里还看到什么?此外,还有许多引起植物性疾病的病毒,真菌和细菌。“植物生物学家创造了对这些疾病具有抗药性的基因工程植物。”好的,所以我们还有另一件事,哦,您知道自己拥有了基因工程的植物,它们对那里的疾病有抵抗力。 'Genetic engineering is the inevitable wave of the future and we cannot afford to ignore technology that has such enormous potential benefit.' Okay, again remember the last sentence is usually great too it's kind of sums it all up. And that's what we've got here he's saying this is great, this is my prospective, we can't afford to ignore it. Okay, so we got the gist out of these paragraph here. Remember scientist two comes next but we don't even want to read him, let's head straight to scientist one questions.
好的,第一个问题是科学家。“根据科学家的说法,基因工程植物的预期利益是什么?”好吧,还记得我们谈到了这一点,他说基因工程植物的好主意是有很多原因吗?减少农药的使用是一件大事,所有这些环境的东西,然后是减少农作物进入市场所需的时间,因此更便宜。让我们看看是否有任何事情都谈论他的主要思想,这主要是关于环境影响的。他还说,关于疾病的结局的一部分对吗?以及这些基因设计的作物的疾病较少。那么哪个答案选择听起来最好?“基因工程食品有可能解决世界许多饥饿和营养不良问题。”他甚至谈论饥饿和营养不良吗? No he didn't right? Okay we can cross off A. B, 'A reduction in environmental hazards due to reduced pesticide and herbicide use by farmers.' That sounds good; we know that was his main focus, 'Reduce those pesticides,' right? Let's just check C and D just to make sure. C, 'Introducing foreign genes into food plants has an unexpected and negative impact on human health.' Again totally out there. Now by the way we might find scientist two said some of these things that seem out there to us, but because we haven't looked at it yet we have no idea. So we know C can't be correct either, that leaves D. 'Development of new technologies that have enormous potential benefit.' Now he just talked about how this is a great technology, it has enormous benefit but that's not an expect benefit of genetically engineered plants. So keep in mind, even if something sounds correct in the answer choice make sure it's answering the right question. Okay D is not correct, so the answer choice is B he said, the expected benefit of genetically engineered plants it that it would reduce environmental problems that you have from the pesticides and the herbicides.
让我们继续前进,这是关于科学家两个的,所以我们再次跳过它然后回去。两位科学家都会跳过这个。在这里,我们去了另一个科学家一个问题。“科学家的立场涉及这样的假设:什么?”好的,为此,您必须仔细研究答案选择,我们不知道他们在说什么假设。让我们看一下,他是否假设政府检查了对基因工程食品的潜在影响,并确定了成本的收益?嗯,不是因为他说他处于促销阶段,他只是说“这看起来真的很好”,他什么也不对政府说什么。因此,尽管他确实谈论了利益,但这也是如此,但政府的作品却无效。好吧,B呢?“遗传工程植物需要更少的农药和除草剂施用。” Huh? That does sound like that's one of his assumptions, he's saying, 'we need this because then we'll reduce our problem with pesticides.' So the implication is that these crops require less pesticide usage. So B looks pretty good, but then let's look at C and D just to check. C, 'Genetically-engineered plants produce Oxygen through photosynthesis.' You'll see this once in a while, totally out there. We didn't even talk about Oxygen, we didn't even talk about photosynthesis, can't be C either. What about D? 'Introducing foreign genes into food plants has an unexpected and negative impact on human health.' Interesting, we've seen genes come up a couple of times; I'm betting that's what scientist two was talking about. But scientist one wasn't, we know, totally out there, not the right answer. So B is the correct answer choice here.
让我们与科学家一起找到更多。好的,在这里,我们在这里得到了另一个科学家的问题。“以下哪项研究会加强科学家一人提出的论点?”那么,这项研究只会使科学家的论点看起来更强大?a,“对制造最营养食品的遗传工程植物类型的研究”。并不是真的很酷,但是那真的很刺激了他的观点。请记住,他的观点是,我们需要这一点,因为它对环境更好,也可以使农作物抵抗疾病,并且在那里更便宜一点,但大多数是环境。B,“对企业种植基因工程植物所经历的环境利益的研究。”这确实是他在谈论的环境文章,他在谈论农场,以及您如何知道,希望他们有这种农作物,他们将获得环境利益,因为那时他们需要的农药和除草剂需要更少。再次,B看起来还不错。 Let's head to C and D. 'A study of potato plant mutations in North America.' Potato plants, definitely not, we never talked about those. And it wouldn't boost his argument and all. And D, 'A study on the most commonly used pesticides by farmers in developing countries.' This is tricky because you see pesticides, 'Aha, I saw that on the passage, maybe it's right.' But if you had to study about the pesticides it doesn't say, does it say that this pesticides are good? Does it say that there's a lot of them? Does it say that there's not a lot of them? And it's not, so it's not specific enough to boost his argument, right? This study might say something like 'oh pesticides in developing countries, no problem,' that would ruin his argument so this is a really tricky one because it's not specific enough to be the right answer choice but it does have that detail thrown in from the passage about the pesticides. So it's tricky, but this is incorrect. So again our answer choice is B.
B'遗传工程植物没有任何伤害,因此不需要行动。”情况恰恰相反,他说这可能会造成伤害或研究表明至少可以做某事的研究,因此我们需要采取行动,好的,而不是B. C,“研究了源自基因工程植物的食物的影响证明这种食物会影响大鼠的消化系统。这很棘手,因为这又是从段落中直接出发的,但是它回答了问题吗?我们想知道他关于问题的总体意见,因此,是的,这可能会导致他们的肠道有所不同,但这并不是他的整体意见,这只是他举起的一个例子来加强他的意见。因此,C的答案选择太狭窄,无法正确。D,“遗传改性食品对人类健康没有实质性影响。”同样,与他所说的相反,他说的可能是或者他们也许,所以我们必须进一步研究它,所以在这里是我们正确的答案选择。让我们与科学家两个一起找到更多。这是两个人,这是科学家,最后一个是另一个科学家两个问题。 'What further development would weaken the case made by scientist two?' Okay, before we look through these technical answer choices, let's think about it for a second. What was his point? His point was we have to be cautious right? There might be some problems and you know what? When you introduce new genes sometimes there's allergies and we have some studies that show that people's intestines are maybe it was rats, intestines changed a little bit, so we've got to be cautious. What would weaken his, that this case? Maybe something saying 'Hey, these foreign genes not so bad.' Or 'The changes in the human body not so bad.' Right? That's that would weaken his case. So which of these answer choices says something like that?
好吧,A。“开发有助于减轻儿童花生过敏症状的新药物。”这是一个真正的诀窍,因为他确实谈论了花生过敏,但请考虑一下,这会削弱他的案子:“啊哈,我们为花生过敏的人有一种新的药物。”并不是真正的“因为他在说:“我们不希望他们根本无法过敏。”因此,在引入这种新作物时要小心。所以A是不正确的,B呢?“领先的医学杂志上的一篇文章强调了农药暴露对儿童的负面影响。”棘手,因为这可以追溯到科学家。他是说“农药是一个问题”的人,对吗?环境影响,也许是给人们的。但是科学家两个真的没有谈论农药,所以B不会是正确的。 What about C? 'A study by a reputable university that foreign genes have predictable and positive effects on human health.' Huh? This might be it. There's a study that shows, you know what this foreign genes are predictable we don't have to worry about them and not only that the effects are positive, that would truly go against his point which is that we have to worry, what's going to happen when we introduce foreign genes into the human body. So C looks great but let's just look at D. 'A leading economist findings that reducing pesticide usage does not affect the cost of bringing a crop to market.' Huh, again, they pulled this from scientist one right? But totally not what scientist two was talking about. Great, in the answer choice, C will be correct. Now we're going to go back and just do the one or two questions that ask you to compare both scientists. So let's go back to the beginning, three is the first one about both of them. One is a point which both scientists agree. Alright, well let's think about it for a second. They didn't have a lot of agreement, the first scientist really for it, the second scientist really weary right about it. But we did have that beginning where we weren't even sure about scientist two's point of view because he said something like 'There really are a lot of benefits that we could get' and then he said 'but' and that was the rest of his point, we have to be careful. So really the only thing we can think of that they do agree about is that there are some benefits that maybe could happen with these genetically modified crops. Let's take a look at the answers.
我们走了:第五。“为了驳斥科学家的意见,科学家可能会注意到什么?”好吧,让我们停下来思考一下。科学家两人的意见是正确的,我们必须非常谨慎,外国基因的问题,也许是人体问题。好的,科学家可以告诉他驳斥他的意见。让我们看看答案选择。因此,“研究表明,施用农药的负面影响超过了与外国基因相关的潜在危害。”这是一个有趣的。如果科学家对科学家说,两个'嘿,听着。您知道什么,我担心农药的暴露,我告诉您这里有一些研究表明,使用农药施用更糟,这比拥有外源基因更具危险,所以我的危害更糟 than yours.' That might be good to refute his opinion that we need to be really weary about introducing this crops. So A looks really good but let's just check B, C and D.
B,“众所周知,农药对人类健康有害。”嗯?我的意思是,这并不是真正驳斥了科学家两人的意见,他并不是说他们有害,没有危害,他只是说我们必须谨慎对待转基因作物。所以B不会工作。c,“可以通过有机农业技术保护环境。”再次,有点对吗?与这里谈论的内容并不是真正的相对。然后d,“食物中的外国基因会导致大鼠饲养通用汽油的肠道有明显的差异。”因此,这是一个例子,但是即使科学家说“啊哈,外国基因引起了差异”。好吧,实际上是巩固了科学家的两个人,他们说这可能是一个问题,因为我们有一项研究,基因在其中引起了大鼠肠道问题。 So D can't be the answer choice here either. And that leaves us with A. Great, that's it for conflicting viewpoints passages. Make sure to practice this on a lot of sample passages at home, so you get a really good idea of how to use the strategies.

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