Devorah Goldblatt

Case Western Univ,Summa Cum Laude

Devorah是Advantage Point测试准备的创始人,也是“提高您的分数”一书的作者,《真实行为的非正式指南》。





Devorah Goldblatt
Devorah Goldblatt

Case Western Univ,Summa Cum Laude

Devorah是Advantage Point测试准备的创始人,也是“提高您的分数”一书的作者,《真实行为的非正式指南》。


我应该工作,但您让我赶上一些名人八卦。现在不幸的是,阅读段落并不像Lindsay Lohan的最新恶作剧那样令人兴奋,但是您对它们的了解越多,在考试当天,他们就越容易解决。在这一集中,我们将谈论一些事情。首先,阅读部分的说明中,我们将介绍阅读部分的格式,然后再讨论段落类型。
因此,正如我们所谈论的,您将有四个段落,并且阅读的很酷的事情是它们总是以相同的确切顺序显示。您总是每次都有散文小说,然后是社会科学,然后是人文科学,然后是自然科学。当我们以后谈论起搏时,这将变得非常重要。知道它们总是以相同的顺序,您会知道会发生什么,真是太酷了。顺便说一句,散文小说是您在测试中看到的唯一小说段落。因此,我认为散文实际上是最有趣的。感觉就像您只是坐在读书周围。这只是小说或短篇小说的摘录,这段话通常集中在情节和角色上,相应的问题也将是情节,角色,您知道角色发展,角色之间的互动,叙述者偏见,这样的问题,我们将在稍后的剧集中深入研究有关回答问题的问题。社会科学是下一篇文章,这些通常是关于心理学,政治科学,历史,政府,诸如此类的主题等各种主题的信息著作,而涉及分析的段落。 The questions on these passages usually ask things like; cause and effect, comparing and contrasting between maybe theories you'll see, chronology, if there is something historical presented, what order it came in and again we'll look at those more closely later. Next passage type, humanities and these are usually excerpts from memoirs, personal essays, these are those artsy ones that you'll see maybe if they're about art or music, theater, topics like that and the passages are expository or descriptive. So usually they're not as analytical as social science, they're usually just describing something just neutrally talking about it. Questions on these are a lot like the questions you'll see on social science, chronology questions, you know what came first, what came next, cause and effect, if one thing caused another thing, questions like that. Last, we have natural science, these are about scientific arguments or experiments, really sciency topics maybe sometimes you've got evolution, why something became extinct, topics like that and they explore the reasoning and the significance for just different scientific topics. Questions also on this passage tend to ask about cause and effect is a biggy and sometimes conflicts between theories that scientists are presenting.

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