Devorah Goldblatt

Case Western Univ,Summa Cum Laude

Devorah is the founder of Advantage Point Test Prep and the author of the book “Boost Your Score” The Unofficial Guide to the Real ACT.





Devorah Goldblatt
Devorah Goldblatt

Case Western Univ,Summa Cum Laude

Devorah is the founder of Advantage Point Test Prep and the author of the book “Boost Your Score” The Unofficial Guide to the Real ACT.


它说,现在看这个标志,说15个或更少。您可能在当地的超市中看到了类似的东西。实际上应该说15个或更少的项目。您可以使用较少的单词来计算的东西,而对于您所能做出的东西的却很少。直观地,您实际上注意到,您知道,您不会,您会说我今天的水减少了,因为您不能数量水,也许您可​​以数杯水。不能计算水,但是您会说我的胡萝卜较少,因为您可以解释胡萝卜。冷却的随机语法事实。好吧,那是个坏消息,到处都是语法。但是您知道什么,这是一个好消息,关于该法案,只有非常具体的英语技能经过测试。因此,在本集中,我们将进行概述,并确切地谈论测试的内容,因此,您将知道您将在测试时看到什么。 First, we're going to take a quick look at the directions. Then we'll look at the basic format of the English section, and then we'll take at the usage mechanics questions on the English section. Last, we'll look at the rhetorical skills questions that you'll see.
因此,让我快速计划。主题测试中有“五个段落”。在回答问题之前,您应该阅读一次。为了正确回答,您可能需要阅读超出问题的几句话。段落中有“两个问题”格式。以一种格式,您可以找到已被强调和分配数字的单词和短语。我会强调的。因此,下划线和分配的数字是第一种格式。因此,您会在段落中看到一些东西,它的下划线将有一个数字,并且将与与该数字相对应的问题匹配。让我们看看,这些数字与替代单词和短语集对应。 And then from the sets of alternatives, you need to choose the answer choice that works best in context, keeping in mind whether in a [IB] underwritten English, whether it gets across the idea, whether it's just the tone, things like that.
Second format, you're going to see box numbers, referring to sections of the passage as a whole. And then you'll need to answer a question based on the entire paragraph or passage. So, just to summarize; Always five passages, and you've got underlines and boxes that are numbered. Let's look at an example, because I'm sure you're thinking, 'what's she talking about?' Here it is. So, here's an example paragraph from an English passage, and you see how we've got our first line here, 'That day my best friends give me my first pet-Charlie, a red tailed boa constrictor.' And you've got a word underlined. Sometimes it's a whole sentence, you know, sometimes it's a whole phrase. And you've got alternative choices here, and you see how the number corresponds to the underline. And you can choose, you know, is there a better word, that should be here, or a better phrase or, you know, no change, maybe it should say the same. Now we're not actually going to answer this question now, we'll do it a little later; this is just so you see an example.
好的,接下来,这就是下划线问题。接下来,我们有盒子问题,对吗?我们也谈到了这些。您会看到整个段落的末尾,您有一个盒子,它的编号,在这里我们有18号,它与数字18的问题相对应。这会问您有关整个上一部分的信息,您知道是段落,无论是段落,他们都会在问题中告诉您。因此,在这里,以下哪项提供了第三段中这些句子的最合乎逻辑的顺序?您会看到如何在这里有一些选择,实际上您可以重新组织这些句子,以使它们更有条理。因此,这就是两种格式的样子。您将拥有带下划线的句子或单词的下划线,您需要更改这些句子。否则您将拥有有关段落或整个段落的盒子。 You need to reorganize them or change them somewhat.
So first, let's look at punctuation. Now, punctuation questions are going to ask you to correct misplaced, misused, or missing punctuation marks. Things like commas and apostrophes, those are overwhelmingly the most common punctuation marks they'll test, and we'll that's usually eight out of the ten actually. And then you have one or two questions about colons, semicolons and maybe an occasional dash. Okay, let's look at it in an example. So here; 'As a general rule, when handling a snake longer than eight feet please make sure to have a second person present.' Now we're not actually going to answer this question, we're just looking at it as an example of a punctuation question, but you see how you got your underline, and then your corresponding answer choices to choose from. And you see how you can choose, should there be a punctuation mark in there or not. And if there should be, you know, should it be a colon, should it be a comma, things like that. That's an example of a punctuation question that you would see on the ACT.
接下来,让我们谈谈句子结构问题。因此,这些问题倾向于处理整个句子。他们谈论诸如子句关系之类的事情,您知道诸如错误句子,句子的片段,并行性的片段,您知道,事物列表,并且您知道,如果它们在句子中正确格式化,以及诸如修饰符的放置之类的东西。让我们看一个例子。所以在这里;亚历克斯不能为他的晚餐付费。他把所有的钱都花在iPhone上。所以在这里,您有点了解。在两个句子中看起来不太好。最好的方法是作为完整的句子。 And here you've got your answer choices, having you, you know, figure out which way is the best way to restate the sentence. So that's a sentence structure question.
We talked about the usage and mechanics questions. Now, let's take a look at the rhetorical skills questions. So, once again, really really predictable, always, 12 strategy questions, 11 questions testing organization, and 12 questions testing style. And let's take a look and we'll talk about exactly what those categories are.
第一的;写作策略。现在,这些问题询问了有关修改段落以提高其有效性的事情。您知道,如何使其听起来更好,如何拥有更强大的战略写作。让我们看一个例子。在这里,我们有一段。为游客提供服务的需求在社区中创造了一个新的工作,并用一个盒子来创造新的工作,因此您知道这可能会谈论上一部分。您知道,尽管他们可能不是高薪的就业机会,但这些工作满足了学生的需求,好的,我们不想阅读整个内容,我们只是将其视为策略问题的一个例子。因此,问题说:“作者希望在这里添加信息,以进一步支持前一句话中提出的点。”因此,您会看到我们如何需要一个答案,我们需要一个句子,实际上将进一步的示例提供了一个例子,使它对我们在上一句话中看到的有关在社区中创造新作业的句子中看到的内容更加有力。 That's an example in the strategy question.
Style questions. That's the last category of English questions that you'll see. These test how well you can choose the most appropriate word in terms of tone, in terms of clarity, things like that. Here's an example, this is actually a redundancy question of type of style question. 'During her highly publicized breakdown last year, Britney Spears supporters were surprisingly few in number.' And you see how the answer choices here, have you, have to pick. You know, is there a better way to say this, just stylistically. And probably if you're thinking about it, you could just say few. You don't have to say fewer in number.
So just a recap, we talked about the instructions and format, we talked about the underline questions, the box questions, we looked at an example so you'll know what to expect. We talked about the usage and mechanics questions, we went over punctuation, grammar and usage and sentence structure and how many times these questions will appear, and we looked at examples of each question type. And last, we talked about rhetorical skills questions; we talked about the strategy, the organization and the style questions and looked at some examples. Now in next episodes, we'll talk about all these different question types and really get into them. You know, so you'll feel really really good about the different skills that are tested in each of these categories.

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